Mar 252021
Jacku, The Super Drooler! #kbcPetUntrouble
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This is my entry for the #kbcPetUntrouble contest!

It happened all of a sudden on a Saturday evening. Two of our friends came for a casual meet and we just mentioned that we would love to have a pet. They said that there is one lab puppy for adoption.

We got so excited and thought to go ahead and check out the “pup”. We reached the spot to pick him up and he was not a “pup”, he was a fully grown 3-year-old Labrador!

But all pet parents will agree to one thing, they might grow in size but they still got the same puppy eyes and puppy habits.

My husband and I have never had a pet in life so we knew nothing about how to deal with this. But we saw the lab was kept in the basement and his water bowl was a bucket full of mosquitoes and that’s when we thought, we can do this and even if we might suck at pet parenting, he still will be loved and won’t have such a disastrous life.

And on 13th Jan 2018, we got our first pet “Jackie”. We call him “Jacku” / “Jack”. He was fat and dirty. First things first. We got him vaccinated and then we got into the task of making him fitter.

We used to run with him as he was super lazy due to overweight. Now he is a healthy 5/6-year-old (since no one knows when he was born exactly) healthy Labrador. Loved to the core by his parents and his little brother who can’t keep his hands off him.

Jacku loves stealing food from the kitchen slab and drooling at our food after finishing his share. He loves to sleep near our feet and barks if we leave him alone in the house. He is a people’s dog and never barks at anyone at the door, not even on strangers – instead runs over to get hugs and belly rubs! But he barks at all dogs.

He would leave us if someone allures him with a biscuit. Just kidding. We love Jacku and hope for his healthy and happy life with us.

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