Acclaimed mythological author, Devdutt Pattanaik comes up with a fantastic book to introduce young ones to mythology and music as we trace the story of swar, sur and sangeet.
Category: 6-8 years
We’re sharing the books our members grabbed in Jan-Feb 2025!
This book is about a mischievous girl who cannot resist the marzipans mom made for Christmas.
Here are some of the books that got ordered the most (on deals) during this festive quarter!
There’s never a dull moment at kbc, for we always have something exciting and creative on! Presenting yet, another unique contest for a beautiful book that will feel like a warm hug! That’s Why Dogs…Continue Reading
As the children and their grandparents start their journey, there unwinds one story after another – each as a result of a conversation, argument, random mention of a word – Ajja and Ajji open up their Story Bag and they have the immediate attention of the children through the travels and their stay at Mayawati.