Mar 302024

Divya has a solution for her hair woes! [Review]

Alpa Masi and her dog, Riksha, have come to keep her company. Divya declares that she will not wash her hair as she thinks it is boring, the soap gets in her eyes and the hair anyways get dirty again. Alpa says ‘okay’.

Dec 212023

Raising Stars: A Stellar Book On Parenting [Review]

Rashmi Uchil ‘s ‘Raising Stars’ brings forth unfiltered and spontaneous stories as Bollywood celebrities share their take on parenting. The author covers various dynamics of parenting: anger management, breaking gender stereotypes, financial responsibility, discipline and single parenting.

Oct 012021

Because Book Lovers Need BOOKSHELVES!!

Very often, actually most often right after the Scholastic Sale and right before the Amazon Sale, we get requests for recommendations on awesome bookshelves as well as storage ideas.

Feb 112020

Review: A Cloud Called Bhura

 Book: A Cloud called Bhura Author: Bijal Vachharajani Type: Paperback Age group : 9 -14 year olds Climate change has become a hot topic for discussion on many forums across the world today and rightly…Continue Reading

Apr 022024

Review: The Magical Mission to Mars

Meet Anay, a shy boy who loved all his subjects at school, but his face lit up like a light bulb and a flash of enthusiasm burst through him when someone asked about his favourite subject – Space.