Pickle Yolk Books have award winning and incredibly beautiful picture books for 3-7yrs (some are appropriate even for 8 year olds). Each one of them is unique – from the topic/issue the author chooses to address, to the unparalleled illustrations, to the directness and candidness, to the subtle nuances. Only when you see these books do you realise why they are so acclaimed! We strongly feel that every parent who is raising a sensitive and kind child must ensure at least a few (if not all!) of these enchanting books are included in the home library.
UPDATE ON SEPT 10, 2021: NEW RELEASE! Aai and i
Aai and i
Author: Mamta Nainy
Illustrator: Sanket Pethkar
Type: Paperback
Age group: 5 – 8 years
To quote Amardeep: “How often have you looked at your mother and wondered how much of her is there in you? How often has your daughter told you, Mumma I want to be just like you. Aai and I, by Mamta Nainy, illustrated by Sanket Pethkar, is a book that takes you into the poignantly beautiful world of the mother-daughter bond where a little girl is trying to explore her sense of identity. Is her identity defined by her hair? Was her mother’s identity defined by her hair? Are we defined by our physical appearance? What if we don’t look like our parents? Or the one thing / feature that ties us to them, is taken away from us? As I read Aai and I, I went on a journey of self exploration along with Aadya. Since I was a kid, I’ve wanted to imbibe some of my mother’s qualities, especially her selflessness but the fact that she had straight hair and I had curly hair always bothered me. Was I so different from her? Aai and I reassured me that I’ll always have my mother with me and within me. I had big big goosebumps when I finished reading the book. It’s one of those books that is so beautiful, both in the message it conveys and its detailed Maharashtrian household illustrations, that it’s sure to take your breath away and make you smile remembering memories with your mother. An extremely special book for all mothers and children, this one has quickly become one of the most cherished books in our library.”
We at Kids Book Café are Pickle Yolk Books’ Community & Affiliate Partners! So should you wish to buy this book, please feel free to use our Special Promo Code KBC50 to avail a discount of Rs. 50 on any book you purchase from the Pickle Yolk Books Shop (on their website). Simply click the button below to buy the book you like!
PROMO CODE KBC50Author: Richa Jha
Illustrator: Gautam Benegal
Type: Paperback
Age group: 4 – 8 years
Asha, on this book: “If you ask who should read this book, I’d say any child who has lost a sibling or a family member who is mature enough and ready to understand the concept of death; also for a parent who has lost a child. This book directly talks about the death of Noorie’s sister Zoya, how she misses playing with her and how she knows Zoya won’t come back. It shows the child going through grief, being angry, struggling to cope with the loss of her sister – her true playmate, and then accepting that she can move on with the help of Zoya’s friend Dhara, despite missing Zoya. She comes to terms with her sister’s death and accepts Zoya’s memories will always be with her. This is a poignant book with the late Gautam Benegal’s impactful illustrations that shows a child’s journey of dealing with death through enormous anger, grief and acceptance. It’s a tough topic to handle but Richa & Gautam together have created a beautiful book – almost like a poetic piece of poignant art that draws you to it, over and over again.”
We at Kids Book Café are Pickle Yolk Books’ Community & Affiliate Partners! So should you wish to buy this book, please feel free to use our Special Promo Code KBC50 to avail a discount of Rs. 50 on any book you purchase from the Pickle Yolk Books Shop (on their website). Simply click the button below to buy the book you like!
PROMO CODE KBC50Dance of the Wild
Author: Richa Jha
Illustrator: Ruchi Mhasane
Type: Paperback
Age group: 3 – 6 years
Asha, on the book: This book is a visual treat – the illustrations are dreamy and sing to you while Shilu, the child protagonist dances freely, without her clothes on, across most of the pages! Ruchi’s illustrations artistically and delicately capture the child’s free spirit, and never once is anything inappropriate revealed!
While the book is definitely a piece of art, it covers a topic that most of us can relate to for at some point of time our smallies just don’t want to wear their clothes. But it’s a topic not often talked about! Shilu loves bath time with her toys. She wants to run to answer the door straight from the bath without her clothes 🙂 .
The book talks about wanting to be free and dancing in the nude. And the fact that other people would mind (even if we enjoy it!). Nannu lovingly calls Shila a wild child while she gently explains that she needs to wear her clothes now that she is a “big girl”. If the title intrigued you, it makes perfect sense while reading the book :).

Shilu’s precious we time with Pirate her cat as well as Nannu her grandma (who takes care of her while her Mamma is at work), and later on with her Mamma – cycling together, dancing together, make you a part of their enchanting world.
We at Kids Book Café are Pickle Yolk Books’ Community & Affiliate Partners! So should you wish to buy this book, please feel free to use our Special Promo Code KBC50 to avail a discount of Rs. 50 on any book you purchase from the Pickle Yolk Books Shop (on their website). Simply click the button below to buy the book you like!
PROMO CODE KBC50Giggi and Daddy
Author: Richa Jha
Illustrator: Mithila Ananth
Type: Paperback
Age group: 3 – 6 years
In Sabah’s words: “My husband is as much a primary caregiver as me. He will patiently paint my little one’s nails and make them both play cricket with equal jest. He will bathe, feed, sleep and soothe. This book was just all heart for all of us. And while they know they came from my tummy, they also know they came straight from his heart hiding behind that pocket. Plus my little baby and baby daddy look just like Giggi and her Daddy, curls and all, so twin win there!”
What childoo & daddy are saying: Prachi’s nearly 4 year old daughter Ishani liked Giggi’s hairstyle and found it funny that Daddy said Giggi came out if his pocket. She saw how Daddy was confused when Giggi kept crying even after giving her a bottle of milk. She loved that Daddy was able to balance Giggi on his one hand. She loved the illustrations. She also loved Bun. Finally she said that we should not laugh on others’ stories. Prachi’s husband Dev liked the simplicity of the girl and how she enjoyed the real things that her dad did with/ for her. He liked the style of writing and the depth of message conveyed in such simple language.
We at Kids Book Café are Pickle Yolk Books’ Community & Affiliate Partners! So should you wish to buy this book, please feel free to use our Special Promo Code KBC50 to avail a discount of Rs. 50 on any book you purchase from the Pickle Yolk Books Shop (on their website). Simply click the button below to buy the book you like!
PROMO CODE KBC50Love Like That
Author: Richa Jha
Illustrator: Gautam Benegal
Type: Paperback
Age group: 3 – 6 years
What Amardeep loves about this book: “Love Like That by Richa Jha, is the perfect book to celebrate the mother-child bond and the great lengths that mothers will go to, to protect their children, keep them happy and safe. But, at the same time, it is so much more. For my child, Neil, who will either cry or run away from anything remotely mushy, this book offers the perfect non-fiction mixed in – a mother and child kangaroo going on a trip around the world, through which the reader gets to explore different animals and places. In my opinion, all mothers must get this book, but especially all working mothers absolutely must get it – the illustrations show the mumma kangaroo on a laptop, and it is oh so relatable for the children who see us on laptops all day. Neil thoroughly enjoyed reading this one, and had a smile on his face all through!”
We at Kids Book Café are Pickle Yolk Books’ Community & Affiliate Partners! So should you wish to buy this book, please feel free to use our Special Promo Code KBC50 to avail a discount of Rs. 50 on any book you purchase from the Pickle Yolk Books Shop (on their website). Simply click the button below to buy the book you like!
PROMO CODE KBC50Machher Jhol

Author: Richa Jha
Illustrator: Sumanta Dey
Type: Paperback
Age group: 3/4 – 8 years
What Amardeep says about this book: “This is the simplest, most beautiful book to introduce disabilities to children. I hesitated before introducing a book on disabilities to my then 3 yr old, but the book is written so simply and beautifully, that I was so glad that I chose this as the first book on the topic.
However, the main attraction of the book is its mind-blowing illustrations by late Sumanta Dey that transport you to Kolkata. They are so good that you can literally hear the Pujo dhaak and the bell of the trams, and smell the maacher jhol cooked in mustard oil! An absolute must have book for all art lovers, anybody who has a connection with Kolkata, and caregivers looking to introduce the topic of disabilities to their 3 year plus children.”
We at Kids Book Café are Pickle Yolk Books’ Community & Affiliate Partners! So should you wish to buy this book, please feel free to use our Special Promo Code KBC50 to avail a discount of Rs. 50 on any book you purchase from the Pickle Yolk Books Shop (on their website). Simply click the button below to buy the book you like!
PROMO CODE KBC50Thatha at School
Author: Richa Jha
Illustrator: Gautam Benegal
Type: Paperback
Age group: 3/4 – 7 years
What Amardeep likes about this book: “Thatha at School, is a story about a child who worries that her friends at school will laugh at her, since her grandpa wears a dhoti. It is a beautiful story about loving people for who they are, looking beyond appearances, and not really worrying about people laughing at you.
This book reminded me of my childhood. I used to have a similar worry as a child, would my friends laugh at me since my dad wears a turban? The illustrations in this book are brilliant – showing grandparents wearing different forms of Indian attire, and I really really wish we had books like this when I was younger. But, thankfully we have them now, for our children! Pickle Yolk books and the author, Richa Jha, totally rock.”
We at Kids Book Café are Pickle Yolk Books’ Community & Affiliate Partners! So should you wish to buy this book, please feel free to use our Special Promo Code KBC50 to avail a discount of Rs. 50 on any book you purchase from the Pickle Yolk Books Shop (on their website). Simply click the button below to buy the book you like!
PROMO CODE KBC50The Manic Panic
Author: Richa Jha
Illustrator: Mithila Ananth
Type: Paperback
Age group: 3 – 7 years
What Shipra liked about this book: “The first illustration, a very typical scene of every home these days, got my 7 year old boy, Sharav laughing. How mom and dad get anxious and whine when the internet is down compels Shivi to take charge of the situation. The little girl has a lot of ideas of what they can do instead and drags her tantrum-throwing parents along with her. As they all step outside, slowly and steadily, they begin to rejoice in the world.
The Indian setting, appealing illustrations and the role reversal of responsibility make the story delectable. Sharav loved the illustrations, and we discussed every element of it. His favourite part was the girl raising brows to her whining parents. Taking the cue from the book, we promised to keep a dedicated ‘no screen’ time over the weekends; no work, just quality family time. A message conveyed in subtlety with the underlying humour makes the book a hit.”
We at Kids Book Café are Pickle Yolk Books’ Community & Affiliate Partners! So should you wish to buy this book, please feel free to use our Special Promo Code KBC50 to avail a discount of Rs. 50 on any book you purchase from the Pickle Yolk Books Shop (on their website). Simply click the button below to buy the book you like!
Author: Richa Jha
Illustrator: Eva Sánchez Gómez
Type: Hardbound
Age group: 5 – 10 years
Asha is in awe of this award winning book:
“This book is unique.
It’s poetry in prose.
It’s poetry in illustrations.
It talks about readers and writers.
And what books do to an involved reader, like Azma, the protagonist.
You have to read the book a few times. Three times at least in one go.
Once to read the words.
Once to read the story through the illustrator’s perspective, like a wordless book.
Then you re-read the book to soak it all up.
The more she read, the greater the mysteries grew.
And that’s when it hits you how familiar this beautiful feeling is.
It inspires you to read like Azma.
It makes you want to write like the author.
It inspires you to want to write a book!
A must must have for every aspiring writer. In fact, this hardbound book makes the PERFECT gift. The illustrations in sepia tones is something you will keep admiring every time you open the book. It’s magical. In fact, you will discover something new every time you read the book!
My favourite part is the fact that Richa has used one word in CAPITALS in every verse. In every sentence.
Something I like to do…”
We at Kids Book Café are Pickle Yolk Books’ Community & Affiliate Partners! So should you wish to buy this book, please feel free to use our Special Promo Code KBC50 to avail a discount of Rs. 50 on any book you purchase from the Pickle Yolk Books Shop (on their website). Simply click the button below to buy the book you like!
PROMO CODE KBC50The Susu Pals!
Author: Richa Jha
Illustrator: Alicia Souza
Type: Paperback
Age group: 3 – 6 years
What Divya likes about this book: “The Susu Pals is a story about two best friends – the ‘Lets make susu together’ kind friends; the misunderstanding between them when a new girl, Isha, enters their life. Will they be able to overcome the differences?
I was very eager to read the book because of the title. No better words can describe the close friendship between Rhea and Dia – Susu Pals! It is also a story to say it’s okay to be close friends with the opposite gender. And it has story to tell till the last page where the credits are. (shhhh I am not going to reveal that, get the book to know more).
Alicia Souza, the illustrator has done a commendable job. You can play I Spy A Little Boy on most pages!”
Asha adores this book because, “This is one of those rare books that explains how precious friendships can be to smallies in the funniest, yet sensitive way possible! It takes you through the journey of little heart breaks when your bff becomes friends with another childoo. It shows you how sometimes friends hurt you intentionally as well as unintentionally, how some friends are not a perfect fit, how you can get back together with your bff (susu pal) despite having a rift in between. But most important, it shows you that another like-minded friend (boy or girl, doesn’t matter) can also become another bff without affecting your original friendship!
This book is a hilarious, colourful visual delight!”
We at Kids Book Café are Pickle Yolk Books’ Community & Affiliate Partners! So should you wish to buy this book, please feel free to use our Special Promo Code KBC50 to avail a discount of Rs. 50 on any book you purchase from the Pickle Yolk Books Shop (on their website). Simply click the button below to buy the book you like!
Author: Srividhya Venkat
Illustrator: Nayantara Surendranath
Type: Paperback
Age group: 4 – 7 years
What Asha likes about this book: “Be careful what you wish for – is what everyone says. But this book tells you to be careful what you don’t wish for as well!
It all starts with a silly remark – ‘Don’t just stand there like a brainless tree’ . What follows is something Sid had never expected in his wildest dreams – he wakes up with a tree trunk growing on his head! What an ordeal, you’d think – but lots of other unexpected events happen as his popularity grew…
Another delightful visual treat for the illustrator has presented the book in the most astounding art – the usage of bold contrasting colours is sheer brilliance. The illustration style matches the author’s lyrical words – even the font stands out with its minimalistic approach. Less is indeed more.
A must have for every child with a wild imagination. After reading this be prepared to get your child a diary. And be prepared for the unexpected to happen… :).
We at Kids Book Café are Pickle Yolk Books’ Community & Affiliate Partners! So should you wish to buy this book, please feel free to use our Special Promo Code KBC50 to avail a discount of Rs. 50 on any book you purchase from the Pickle Yolk Books Shop (on their website). Simply click the button below to buy the book you like!
Author: Richa Jha
Illustrator: Gautam Benegal
Type: Paperback
Age group: 4 – 8 years
What Sabah likes about this book:
“There’s honesty, and there’s honesty that tugs on a thread. When Gagan shows us that bravery is just as gender neutral as the things he loves, you know the book is one for keeps. Best of all, at the end of the book my older one asked me,
But mumma what is a boy boy?
And it truly warmed my heart that it was one thing he hadn’t learnt. And hopefully won’t ever! (I did explain what it meant though, and he seemed positively surprised that there was a time Papas didn’t cook and girls didn’t like blue!)
In Asha’s words: “Both kids and grown ups need to read this one for sure. Because we all are trying to raise caring & sensitive childoos. Not everyday you come across a book that deals with both bullying and that busts gender stereotypes. The scenes are relatable because it happens in every family, every park, every playground, every classroom, every building complex. The language is familiar because it’s what we have grown up hearing. Choohaa, billi, and the whole zoo…And that’s why books by indian authors are so close to home. Late Gautam Benegal’s illustrations tug you just as hard as the words do.”
We at Kids Book Café are Pickle Yolk Books’ Community & Affiliate Partners! So should you wish to buy this book, please feel free to use our Special Promo Code KBC50 to avail a discount of Rs. 50 on any book you purchase from the Pickle Yolk Books Shop (on their website). Simply click the button below to buy the book you like!
PROMO CODE KBC50Vee Loved Garlic
Author: Richa Jha
Illustrator: Kunal Kundu
Type: Paperback
Age group: 5 – 8 years
What Amardeep likes about this book: “If you want to read a hilarious book that celebrates true love, get this. This one left me in splits with its rhyming text and wonderful storyline.
Miss Vee Noonie, the vampire, falls in love with garlic, but her parents are horrified because garlic is fatal for vampires! She doesn’t give up though, and fights for her love.
This book reminds us that all that love is worth standing up for, and
worth fighting for – with dignity! My 4 year old loves the book as it has vampires (and brilliant illustrations of vampires!) and that the vampire does something that the parents tell her not to do!”
We at Kids Book Café are Pickle Yolk Books’ Community & Affiliate Partners! So should you wish to buy this book, please feel free to use our Special Promo Code KBC50 to avail a discount of Rs. 50 on any book you purchase from the Pickle Yolk Books Shop (on their website). Simply click the button below to buy the book you like!
PROMO CODE KBC50Shout-out to our 14yo Intern-In-Residence (Aarini – The Chief Childoo) for all her help in curating this post.