The story is set in an urban city of Bengaluru. Kartik challenges Aarav to come to a graveyard in the eerie hours of night. Here they encounter burglars and while escaping they stumble upon a quaint brass vessel with gold coins sparking a detective zeal in the children.
Category: Middle Readers
As the children and their grandparents start their journey, there unwinds one story after another – each as a result of a conversation, argument, random mention of a word – Ajja and Ajji open up their Story Bag and they have the immediate attention of the children through the travels and their stay at Mayawati.
This early chapter book is about twin sisters, Tara and Arzoo, who experience magic all around them. It starts when they end up leaving their stapler by the riverside during one of their picnics.
The book revolves around the adventures of Siliguri – a talented young ghost and his human friend, Kachori – a ghostbuster!
When 12 year old Muniya learns that she is adopted, she embarks on a quest to find her birth parents.
A dinosaur dug out from the backyard of an apartment in Bangalor!? Someone trying to sabotage their apartment’s chances of winning the model apartment contest. Someone is stealing books from a bookshop. Is there another flat in the apartment that’s haunted? A marathon runner is missing.