Apr 022024
Review: The Magical Mission to Mars
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Book Name: The Magical Mission to Mars
Written By: Ashima Mathur
Illustrated By: A.I. generated illustrations
Published by: Ashima Mathur
Type: Hardcover
No. of Pages: 65
Recommended Age: 6-9 years

This review has been written by my 11yo son, Divit.

Meet Anay, a shy boy with jet black hair and a charming smile who lived in a small town in India. He loved all his subjects at school, but his face lit up like a light bulb and a flash of enthusiasm burst through him when someone asked about his favourite subject – Space.

He had grown up listening to his grandfather telling him fascinating stories about the brave astronaut Alan Shepard who played golf on the moon, and the clever, adventurous Abdul Kalam who is known as ‘The Missile Man of India’. All Anay wanted was to grow up to explore space and become like these remarkable people. His determination only grew with the support of his parents and motivation of his school and his friends. 

Anay’s enthusiasm and love for space remained stable as he grew older. He kept reviewing his dream and studying for hours which seemed like they would never get over. He used to wake up at the break of dawn and he limited his unhealthy food consumption. Since practice makes a man perfect, he was soon accepted into a prestigious university to study Aeronautical Engineering. After graduation, Anay joined the Air Force and flew over the tallest mountains and the deepest seas.

His flying skills were rather outstanding, thus at the age of twenty-five years old, he was selected for the most hair-raising space adventure – the mission to Mars. It was quite a challenging task as there was no civilization and water on Mars. Anay was excited though – this was his dream!  After waiting for ages, the big day had finally arrived. It was time to go to Mars! After the countdown, the rocket took off from the ground at a high speed. He was on his journey to Mars!

Upon reaching Mars and disembarking his spaceship, he started looking for life on Mars. He started building a colony for humans who might visit and live here later on. He also made a glorious greenhouse, with a clear roof. Here, crops were grown such as potatoes, green veggies and more! But, there was nothing which really helped the humans back on Earth know if life was possible. One fine day, Anay found a flowing stream of crystal-clear water! Everyone back on Earth was surprised. Their jaws dropped and their eyes were as wide as saucers! This could mean that life was actually possible on Mars. But, is it?

I loved this book which is written in a very simple language. I was amazed to know that this lovely book is written using ChatGPT and the gorgeous illustrations are created using MidJourney. I wouldn’t be exaggerating if I’d say these are some of the most real and amazing illustrations I have seen in any book. I loved Anay’s determination and perseverance to pursue his dream and I think we should never give up on our dreams! Dream big and work hard to make the dream yours! 

ADDED BY ASHA: Note from publicist – “All profits from this project will be donated to charities focused on educating underprivileged children.

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Disclaimer: Achira and her sons are part of the #kbcReviewerSquad and received this book as a review copy from the publisher via kbc.

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