Nov 292022
Roshan’s Road to Music – The magic is in you… [Review]
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Book Title: Roshan’s Road to Music (Magic Maker Series)
Author: Mamta Nainy
Publisher: Puffin
Type: Paperback
No. of pages: 48 pages
Recommended Age: 5-9 years

Dream big and give your best

The review is on behalf of my sons – Divit (9 yo) and Advit (5 yo). We read this book together and had wonderful conversations about patience, dedication and more. While Adu found the idea of finding music in everything very amusing, Divit loved the fact that patience, hard work and dedication can make you achieve your dreams.

This story is about the famous Surbahar player Annapurna Devi who was born with a love for music. Born as Roshanara Khan, she was fondly given the name “Annapurna” by Maharaj Brajnath Singh of Maihar, where her father Baba Allauddin Khan was the court musician. She was born on the auspicious day of full moon when people worship Goddess Annapurna, the Goddess of prosperity, hence the name Annapurna.

From a very young age, Roshan had a different relationship with music. She could feel music in every sound that she heard. Whether it was the scrub-splat of washing clothes or than-than of Ammi’s cooking or Khurr-phiss of Dadijaan’s snores, she had a way to find music in everything.

Her Baba who was a musician at the emperor’s court, used to teach Sarod to her elder brother. While Baba would give lessons to Ali, little Roshan would stand outside and closely try to learn from him. Baba’s music could transport her to a different and beautiful world, a world full of beautiful images and magic. She dearly wanted her Baba to teach her but could never muster up the courage to ask him and always got tangled up in the what-ifs!

The story is about Roshan’s love for music and her journey to win over her Baba to teach her music. But her love and keen ear for music, her patience and perseverance paid off when Baba took her under his wings. She then went on to learn Surbahar – an instrument that is very difficult to master.

A beautiful story of why one should never stop trying. The magic was in her and she just needed that courage to open up and create ripples through her music. We particularly loved her dedication that is clearly evident from the way she was learning even when Baba was not teaching her directly. This shows that where there is a will there is always a way.

The other books in this series is The Magic Makers: Looking For Inspiration: How Rabindranath Tagore Penned his Favourite Poem! , That Big-Voiced Girl (you can read Mona’s incredible review here!) .

If you enjoyed this review and wish to order the book from Amazon (kbc affiliate link),


Disclaimer: We are proud to be part of the #kbcReviewerSquad and received this book as a review copy from the publisher.

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