Title: The Water Hole
Author-Illustrator: Graeme Base
Type: Paperback
Age group: 3-8 years
This is a 6-in-1 book by Graeme Base
While searching for books to address the issue of my 3 year-old not drinking enough water, I found this book on the kbc facebook group. Something about the cover attracted me to this book and I ordered it without much thought. We read it the day it arrived and I have been surprised at how many topics you can introduce to your child with this book.
The book talks about how all the animals visit the water hole and how they leave the place because the water hole dries up. When it rains, the water hole is filled up again and the animals come back.
The illustrations are beautifully painted and very refreshing (like real scenes from a jungle).
Coming to the diverse things it helps you introduce to your child:

- Each page has a number on it like 1 Rhino then 2 Tigers and so on. The number is written as a number as well as spelled. Helps introduce numbers and counting. My little one loves counting everything so this was fun for her.
- The concept of saving water. How if we do not save water, it will be finished and we won’t have water to drink, wash, etc.
- Sharing. The fact that animals share the same water hole.
- Introducing different countries. Each page is dedicated to a country. You can see the animal on the page plus a small illustration showing something famous about that country. Eg- Tigers are from India but the page also shows the Taj Mahal! I will probably do this at a later stage – maybe more suitable when she is 4 years+.
- The concept of drought and flood. I mentioned this briefly but I intend to delve deeper into it later on.
- We finally were able to address the issue of trying to make her have more water with this book. I held the glass and said it was a water hole and she would pretend to be each of the animals who came to the water hole to take the sips!!
The book is suitable for children who are 3 years or older and can grow with the child with the diversity of topics that can be introduced. Now, who would not love it when a single book has so many topics all rolled into a single story?
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