Sep 132022
Splendid Spectrums for Gulgul [Review]
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Title: Gulgul in SaRe GaMma

Author: Ashok Rajagopalan

Publisher: Talking Cub (An imprint of Speaking Tiger Books)

Type: Paperback

Pages: 112

Recommended Age: 6 – 9 years

This is our first Talking Cub book and we would definitely add more books with the cute tiger dialogue box to our library.

Ashok Rajagopalan took me to my childhood when all the children used to gather in the evenings and engage in endless imaginations of friendly aliens and funny possibilities.

The children today have a lot of information handy and the imaginations are more science centric. This book is different because even if Gulgul is an alien living on planet GR33N, she is very similar to someone on our planet EARTH. She has family, friends, teachers and there are no superpowers to steal the thunder. I am sharing the book review by my 8 year old who liked the book so much that she wants to read other books in this series too.

I love all the books where the author plays with words and the reader can try to solve the codes. We are also encouraged to try our hands at rhyming at the end of of the book.

A perfect combination of music and colors.

Gulgul is very nice and smart girl living with her family and she goes to school just like us. She accompanies her class or parents on a trip to one planet in each book. She quickly comes up with a nice name for the planet that resembles the planet code. She eventually resolves unexpected problems without being geeky but there is always something to learn from her personality.

In this book, she goes on a school trip to planet 54 R3 84MM4. She calls it SA RE GAMMA and her teacher confirms that this planet is actually all about music. They were going to visit grand maestro Gaanaguru. I found Gaanaguru to be the funniest. He talks about acoustics that children hear as ‘a cow stick’. He seems to live in a small tent but if only the students had known that the school trips are always meant for educational purposes, they could have predicted a grand display. I was already amazed by the story and it got mesmerizing after the children observe the planet from their school-UFO.

I tried to draw my own perception of this beautiful planet from the description but I am nowhere close to the natural beauty I can imagine. There is no color of the visible spectrum that you can’t find on planet SA RE GAMMA.

It has seven moons of different colors and each moon is home for the best animals to play one of the seven musical notes. These flying notonimals were training with Gaanaguru but the notonimal to sing ‘Ni’ goes back to her moon because she is fond of the food from her home planet.

Read the book to find out how Gulgul goes to this moon, how she manages to convince jumbo niliphant Nisha to return to Gaanaguru’s Stepzonix Concert and so much more…

I would recommend this book because it shows the beauty of music that’s incomplete even if a single note goes missing, value of schooling and the pride you can bring back home.

You can read reviews of the other books in this series Gulgul in Jungalu , Gulgul in Sea-Saw Gera and Gulgul in Parapara on our site as well. There are some new releases in the Gulgul series. Check them out here on amazon. You can read Divit’s review of Gulgul in Papadom here.

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