Aug 252020
Meeting Mr. Tiger :). #kbcKaadooMonkeyTales
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This is my entry to the #kbcKaadooMonkeyTales Contest

It’s a short incident, but a memorable one. My elder son Laksh must have been 3 -4 years old when this happened. He is now 11 years old, but even now when we think about it, we can’t stop laughing.

Bengal Tiger in Nainital Zoo

My son has always been a nature lover, he loves natural surroundings and enjoys playing in the open. He also loves animals a lot – you would always find him watching National Geographic or Discovery. Even at that age. He was very excited when we told him we are taking him to the Zoo, because he wanted to “meet” the Tiger. He was so excited that we had to change our itinerary a bit and we decided to visit the Zoo first thing in the morning.

Laksh – Before visiting the Zoo

BTW, this was a trip to Nainital and the plan was to visit G.B Pant, High Altitude Zoo, which is one of the tourist destinations in Nainital. We all got ready next day, and you could sense from his walk that he was super excited. The moment we entered the Zoo, he started asking, “Where’s the Tiger?” And I think since a Tiger is a major attraction for Zoos as well, they generally keep them towards the end. I kept telling him that we will see the tiger, but he wasn’t ready to wait.

Running ahead of us, to meet the Tiger

Finally, we saw the tiger cage a little further than where we were, and Laksh’s excitement had no bounds, he started running, yelling. He reached the cage, it was almost afternoon and the Tiger was lazying around. Laksh on the other hand, started shouting, roaring and calling out “Tiger” 🙂 He was acting really cute, and suddenly, some elder kids, threw a stone at the Tiger. Suddenly, the tiger roared in his full volume, and that’s when Laksh’s excitement faded away. He got really scared and for almost 10 seconds, he was in shock, after which he started crying loudly as ever.

After meeting the Tiger
Finally got settled after coming out of the Zoo and having a bhutta!

As much as he was excited to ‘meet’ the Tiger, he got so scared, that he literally didn’t want to stand there for another minute. While my wife and me were laughing, this poor kid was uncontrollable. And our visit to the Zoo came to an abrupt end, thanks to the Tiger’s roar 🙂

ADDED BY Team Kids Book Café – 20 of our kbc members won wonderful prizes from Kaadoo Games. Since then we have been Kaadoo’s Community Partners! Here is an EXCLUSIVE OFFER ONLY FOR OUR KBC MEMBERS! If you would like to grab any board game from Kaadoo Games – simply go to the kaadoo website here  and USE DISCOUNT CODE KBC30 to avail a 30% discount!


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