Feb 052019
Meet my child’s best friend
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Not one, not two, my boy has many best friends. In fact, so many that I really lost track. They have been spending precious moments together since as long as I can remember. It’s incredible to see them grow up together. Would you all like to know who?

Meet my boy’s best friend – Books!

It would be a lie to say that my boy chose books to be his best friend all on his own. Just like how cupid plays a role to bring couples together, I played a role in bringing the boy and books together as well. But I am so glad I did and continue to nudge and nurture their friendship. As the old adage goes a book is a man/woman’s best friend.

Let’s get to his best friend a bit. Shall we?

The travel buddy books.

In so many cases the fun of travel starts right from travel preparation and packing time. My boy and I love choosing which lucky best friend book will be accompanying us for any travel – road or flight. In fact usually our best friends would have to check their schedule and have so many demands and needs for travel. Not his best friend. All it needs is is a tiny dry place.

On a recent vacation my boy tucked a few in his backpack along with some of his toys. He just sat their comfortably reading. He read Disney Planes (read review here) while sitting in a plane. It was his idea. For Mothers who dread maintaining discipline and calmness during a flight or road trip books are such a blessing. They make great travel buddies because you can read them anywhere and don’t need to rest them or pay for their food ..lol

His most reliable friend.

Even if we are not traveling. Anytime at home when we feel a bit down or bored or happy or even if its pouring outside guess who is always there ready to be held in our hands. Books! Come rain, come snow they don’t need to be charged and they don’t make loud noises. It was pouring outside just when we planned to go play. We picked up The day the Crayons Quit (read review here) instead. We had a good time.

His true guide and support.

My best friend always has my back. Books has his too. In any situation where we feel confused, books show him how to handle things. He is such a young boy, emotions and challenges have just begun. Books acted like a guide to educate and comfort him. The Pepper series (read review here) taught him how to handle every day troubles. Maddi’s Fridge (read review here) taught him the valuable lesson of compassion.

Books are always welcome in our home. I just hope the friendship continues forever. 

Reader Comments

  1. what a lovely blogpost priya!
    how true – books can really be one’s best friend, especially if you’re a single child. in aarini’s case she would carry a reading book + activity book everywhere – to the restaurant, doctor’s, when i’d catch up with a friend at a café AND ALWAYS WHILE TRAVELLING! we’d carry 5 thin books of her choice – topsy & tim, thomas and friends, fafa & juno, and the lovely indian NBT books would be her favs to carry along! now she carries one physical book – her latest possession and her kindle along when we travel!


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