Jan 022019
Review: Pepper has a fight
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Book: Pepper has a fight

Soft book

Ages: 1-5 years

The entire collection of Pepper is a must for all parents and children to read to together. I found every book thoughtfully crafted, simple to read and understand and designed to grasp and explain the situation in the best manner.

Pepper is a young pup who goes to school, makes friends and he faced situations just like our children. Every book has a theme where Pepper is faced with a day to day situation. For example there is a book on getting lost, making a new friend, having a fight and even Mom’s new job. These stories were really effective and helped me and my child in so many ways.

Pepper has a fight in particular helped me so much. We read the story together. The story gives a realistic situation where pepper and his friend are playing in the sand. They both have a disagreement and thereafter a push and a shove happens. The interaction between Pepper and his friend is nicely articulated and it really gives us an understanding of both sides of the story and the cause and consequence of a fight with friends.

The story ends with (just like real life) Momma coming to the rescue to act as a referee and makes Pepper realizes his own mistake.

When I read the book we both thought of a time when my by had a fight with his friend.

“But he started it.” This is what my boy always says. Thanks to this book I made my son realize that fights are just no good and that fights lead to friends becoming sad.

I then talked to my boy about “What can we do to avoid fights and what we will do in case we disagree with friends.”

The behavior change I admit was not sudden. I still have the need to pull out this book every now and then as a reminder for my boy.

Pepper series are very good reads for toddlers and upto six year old children. The scenarios are nicely crafted and always end in the best resolution. This book is definitely a Mom’s secret weapon for managing child’s behavior.     

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