May 152019
Review: Sera Learns to Fly!
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Book: Sera Learns to Fly!

Author: Vinitha

Art: Nizara Verulkar

Publishers: Katha

Type: Paperback

Age: 2-5 years

Recently we won “Sera learns to fly!”  from The Curious Owl and
Kids Book Café Review-a-Book Contest
. This is one lovely book which gives hope and the courage to dream to the young minds.

The story is about an ant who dreams about flying. She shares her dream with her sister. How did other ants react to her impossible dream? Whether she was able to fulfill it?  All the answers are revealed wonderfully.

My 5 year old daughter Manjishta thoroughly enjoyed reading it and kept asking me questions like –

“Amma, how can an ant fly?”
“Why do ants work so hard?”

The song which the ants hum – “We have crumbs to pick, we have crumbs to stack… soon became my daughter’s favourite paragraph . The first 2 days we read the book, she would ask me to repeat it again and again.

While it’s a pleasure for her to sing this, it has also helped her to learn about the life of an ant. The happy ending brought a big smile on my girl’s face.

It has provoked her young mind to think out of the box. And to not be afraid of dreaming big.

When the book is so colourful you just stare and stare…

The art of the book is awesome and a visual treat in itself. Kids will be attracted to it immediately. The moment she got this book she was glued to the pages for long and kept on looking at them again and again. In fact, she was happy to be by herself with the book (usually I have to keep her occupied in the holidays so it was a big boon to me!). She likes looking at it in bed as well and can’t seem to get enough!

The last page has some fun facts and activities for kids.

This book is a must have for pre-schoolers. I am now very interested in Katha books. Do mention if you recommend any others for Manjishta.

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