Contest Alert!
We have some very exciting news to share! Our dear friend and Reading Partner – The Curious Owl love our member reviews on our community site and have planned an exciting Review-a-Book Contest with us!
There are 11 children’s books up for grabs!! Yay! We love free books!

Contest Details:
Contest begins on April 25th, 2019.
11 lucky winners will receive a children’s book each. Guess what? Some of these are Katha books!!
The Children Winners of these 11 books need to WRITE A REVIEW of the books they won on kidsbookcafe.com (after receiving these books, of course!). Parents can help them write the review, if they are too young to write by themselves! THE BEST REVIEWS WILL BE SELECTED TO GET PUBLISHED IN THE CURIOUS OWL NEWSPAPER! (India’s first weekly current affairs newspaper for children). This is a physical newspaper for kids. Do check it out online and feel free to subscribe to it!
Please note: The Curious Owl retains the right to publish reviews written by children in their newspaper and their decision is final.
- You need to be a registered member on kidsbookcafe.com
- You will need to first post 2 Book Reviews (children’s books only like these) on the site OR 2 posts of Recommended List of Books (like these) on the site OR one of each
- The members who post two of the above mentioned types of posts on the site first, win a book!
- Members who have already posted 2 book reviews or 2 recommended book lists posts will automatically win a book!
Toddler Books Contest Alert!

Since all those 11 books are for older children, Team KBC got 6 Fafa and Juno books (my child’s all-time favourite toddler books!) from a secret place in Bangalore to give away to our cute toddler entries! SO THERE ARE 6 TODDLER BOOKS TO BE WON as well :). Happy Dance!
Grand total prize stash of 17 books! Woohoo!!!
Contest ends on May 5th
or as soon as all the books are won!
Please note: Kids Book Café retains the right to choose winners of the contest, decide which books go to whom and their decision is final.
What are you waiting for, too whit too whoo…?!
For any queries at all, please write to asha@kidsbookcafe.com.
Don’t forget to share your wins across your social media networks! We need to spread the awesomeness!
The jungle book
Alice in wonderland
Charlie and the chocolate factory
hi @anubhagarg – to take part in the contest you will need to post 2 detailed lists of recommended books or 2 detailed book reviews. pls chk out the links shared as examples in the above post. cheers!
Actaully my son love to read books but i don’t know much about the books. He has read book like fabulous grandpa stories, At the zoo, Tales of tenali raman, panchatantra, jungle tales. I wish i win a book for my son pallash and rishiv too. Kindly suggest some good books also which i can give him to read so that he maintain his reading habit .
hi @anubhagarg pls check out the links i shared with u on fb msgr. this is a section where u can find some good books for your 6 yr old boy – https://www.kidsbookcafe.com/category/6-8-years/