Jul 052021
Prisha’s Knee Healer. #kbcAPinchOfMagic
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I am writing for the first time on KBC for the contest #kbcAPinchOfMagic. Yes, this is MY entry. Unlike Prisha I am not at all good at vocabulary but still I have given a try 🙈

This is the story oops not a story but a regular affair whenever we visit my inlaws. Prisha is number 1 in experimenting new new things and she gets lots of such chances at her grandparents place. Reason being, firstly, her grandmother never says NO to her and secondly and most importantly, she gets lots of things to bring out so-called inventions.

My mother in-law maintains a small garden with many types of herbs and plants and even flowering plants. Her grandfather has knee pain because of old age. During our every visit it has become a ritual that every evening Prisha applies her so called herbs paste/pack to her grandfather’s knees.

She brings every possible leaf from the garden and sometimes tender branches too. She uses a copper mortar and pestle to prepare the paste. She also uses every possible spice available at home and then crushes them in the mortar with pestle.

Every time a new thing goes into that paste.

Prisha’s illustration of this adorable moment

Aloe Vera is one particular herb she never forgets to use because of its stickiness. Adorable thing is that my father in-law happily allows her to apply her so-called healing paste and shows it proudly to everyone.

But clearing the mess after this epic invention is left for her mother aka me and my mother in-law.

Everyone remembers Prisha for these epic moments.

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