Aug 262021

Being Graceful – #kbcPinkooShergill

Who has said that being graceful is meant only for girls? Well, I realized it when I first saw “BOYS” at my daughter’s ballet academy. You heard it right, BOYS doing ballet.

Jul 052021

Prisha’s Knee Healer. #kbcAPinchOfMagic

She brings every possible leaf from the garden and sometimes tender branches too. She uses a copper mortar and pestle to prepare the paste. She also uses every possible spice available at home and then crushes them in the mortar with pestle.

Jun 182021

Review: Have You Met The Parsis?

This book has so many amazing illustrations done by the author herself! There are many things in this fantabulous book. There are idioms for e.g., aafat par eeda, meaning: problem after problems. There are also scrumptious recipes that make your mouth water even after you look at the drawings!

Jun 152021

The trek began. It was really hard, to balance on heels but I knew my father was facing the hardest because he was bearing most of my balance and his own. At first, I slipped a little but then I got a little hang of it and gathered all my courage and continued. The hill was not only steep, but slippery too. When we were nearly halfway through, I took a small break as I twisted my ankle on the way.

Jun 062021

Review: Blessed

In the village of Kote, females are forbidden to read and write. Only the Blessed Child can lift the taboo and free their country from the rule of the Ag-yanees. The problem is, they don’t know why the Omniscient One (their God) chose a girl to be the Blessed Child. Doesn’t he know that girls aren’t allowed to read or write?