Feb 072020
This Valentine’s Day – share a book! #kbcReadCycle #ValsDay2020
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Who wants roses and chocolates when you can get a book instead?! Well you guessed right, that’s exactly how we plan to celebrate Valentine’s Day at Kids Book Café

Books & personal notes shared with younger childoos!

After two successful editions of #kbcReadCycle #ChildoosDay2019 (read more about the concept here) and #Xmas2019 , we are back with the first edition of 2020.

But with a difference.

This time we’re improvising on the original concept. This time we’ll keep it super simple. It’s a BOOK EXCHANGE between two parents – members from our fb group with kids of the same age group. That way everyone participating gets a book for sure! And like before, we will all still be a part of another childoo’s personal library!

#kbcReadCycle books sent/received by kbc members!

To be a part of this campaign, here’s what you need to do!

  • Select ONLY ONE children’s book your child has outgrown/read enough. The idea is to share one book only, not exchange your whole library!!
  • Post a pic of it on the facebook group dedicated thread (in the comments) MENTIONING THE AGE GROUP OF THE BOOK, your child’s name and age.
    eg I will say, “Aarini is 12 and she would like to share THIS BOOK for the age group 10-12 years”. [I add an image of the book cover.]
  • Someone else with a child in the same age group who is interested in your book can respond to your comment sharing the book she/he can share with you. If you are both okay then you can privately exchange addresses.
  • Avoid commenting to multiple people’s books – remember it’s one book per person to be exchanged with one person only. If the first you reach out to isn’t a match then only comment on another person’s book. This will avoid confusion.
  • Keep your word! Once you confirm to one person and share addresses, please don’t change your mind. This creates unhappiness and that’s not the idea.
  • SPREAD THE WORD: Post a pic of the book you are sending over social media with HASHTAGS #kbcReadCycle #ValsDay2020 to encourage other people to join our facebook group and participate in our unique Valentine’s Day campaign! Don’t forget to tag our facebook group in your posts! Or even better, just add your friends to the group – why should they miss out on all the fun?!
  • RECYCLE! Try and send the book in recycled packaging! We used all the amazon packaging we had at home :).
Happy childoos with the surprise books they got during #kbcReadCycle !

Upon receiving a book from another member, please:

  • Post a pic of the book you have received ACROSS ALL OF YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA (not just the kbc facebook group), using HASHTAGS #kbcReadCycle #ValsDay2020 – we need to create lots of buzz around our awesome campaign for maximum participation!! Don’t forget to tag our facebook group in your posts!
  • Post a mini review or a detailed book review on our community site kidsbookcafe.com. This will not only be a nice way to acknowledge your gift, but also will help other parents with recommendations for age-appropriate books! Most members forget to do this step (sad face).
  • Campaign ends on Feb 14, 2020 EOD.
  • Kids Book Café can not held responsible for courier or postal issues or any sort of issues that may arise. Please remember, this is a community bonding campaign between members only.

Raising Readers Together:

#kbcReadCycle books these childoos got!!

At Kids Book Café our endeavour is to raise readers together by recommending and discovering diverse children’s books.

#kbcReadCycle is a personalized, friendly, non-commercial community campaign to ensure all of us help build each childoo’s personal library.

We are trying to make it an eco-friendly campaign by encouraging members to send their pre-loved books in recycled packaging.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

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