Dec 282023

Review: The Chhau Champ

Shubha desperately wanted to be part of her father’s Chhau dance troupe. But the problem was that her father was only willing to teach Shayon (her brother) as Chhau was mainly a dance form performed by boys.

Jun 242023

Do you have a Whyrus at home? [Review]

Cyrus is a curious child, with questions about everything – the Why’s surround his family members and teachers. Not everyone is amused by his relentless questions, with some of his teachers sending him to the naughty corner and friends making fun of him, calling him “Cyrus the Whyrus”.

May 232023

Click click… Who Clicked That Pic? [Review]

Set in old Bombay during the Ganpati festival, Pari is looking for one perfect click. She sets out with her friend Parvez, hauling her enormous Rolleiflex camera that had only 10 photos left, in search of that perfect festival pic to earn one rupee.

Dec 262022

Review: Ramanujan: From Zero To Infinity

Ramanujan is part of the “Great Minds at Work” series from Duckbill. It shows a year in the re-imagined world of Srinivasa Ramanujan. Punny, and filled with riddles, this will delight your kid, regardless of whether they are averse or keen towards the subject.