Jul 112024

Pokey Mess Spells Puppy Trouble!! [Review]

The story is about a boy Amit who wants to have a puppy but like my household, the parents are not ready for it yet. Here comes Rajiv Fua with a little puppy who has injured his leg.

Mar 302024

Divya has a solution for her hair woes! [Review]

Alpa Masi and her dog, Riksha, have come to keep her company. Divya declares that she will not wash her hair as she thinks it is boring, the soap gets in her eyes and the hair anyways get dirty again. Alpa says ‘okay’.

Nov 082023

Review: The Big Bad Fight

It’s a story about two children, Anna and Kichu who are best friends and have a fight over a game of Snakes and Ladders (relatable much 🙂 ).

Jul 282023

Of Childhoods and Paper Planes [Review]

The Paper Plane Flew is the journey of a paper plane through different terrains of India. It is also an opportunity for you to relive your childhood with your child!

Jun 242023

Do you have a Whyrus at home? [Review]

Cyrus is a curious child, with questions about everything – the Why’s surround his family members and teachers. Not everyone is amused by his relentless questions, with some of his teachers sending him to the naughty corner and friends making fun of him, calling him “Cyrus the Whyrus”.