Book The Mysteries Of Migration
Author: Geeta Dharmarajan
Art: Sarasija Subramanian
Publishers: Katha
Type: Paperbook
Age group: 3-7 years
We won this Katha book from The Curious Owl and Kids Book Café Review-a-Book Contest . It is loaded with information but in a very interesting story format that kept my daughter Kaavya curious throughout.
Migration is a part of life. Humans, animals and Birds migrate for various reasons. This is a lovely book by Katha, well scripted with easy to read and easy to understand words for kids. The beautiful illustrations on each page make it a delight to read! This book was very useful for me to make Kaavya understand the mystery of migrating Birds.
So much to learn!
Kaavya was so excited to know the fact that “Birds, Fishes, Mammals, Insects, Reptiles all Migrate, Mumma?” Yes!
They travel thousands of miles every year in search of food, water, breeding and favourable climatic conditions. After one season they move thousands of miles again to return to where they were born. This phenomenon continues year after year and is called Migration.
Kaavya was happy to learn about these facts – she understood migration too, we travelled various parts of India for different reasons till date. She related it to her summer and winter vacations. This made me smile as according to 5 year old it’s a good understanding!
Birds move from cold homes in the north to the warm places in the south and back again. Birds migrate for better nesting locations and food. Scientists are still wondering for other migration reasons, mystery is unsolved yet!!

Flamingo, goose, storks, crane, doves, swallows, whales, butterflies and turtles etc migrate every year. Very interesting fact of vanishing green turtles of Brazil – they migrate 1,400 miles to Atlantic to lay eggs. Yet no turtle has been ever seen there!
Storks fly thousands miles every year and return to their birth place. They always stay in the same nest year after year… Unsolved mystery! Kaavya was really excited and was able to related migration of storks, as we have recently watched a movie. “A Stork’s Journey” An orphaned sparrow is adopted and raised by storks. When the family leaves on its annual migration, the little sparrow attempts to participate in the long, arduous journey. Lovely brotherhood bond between Richard (sparrow baby) and Max (stork baby).

Humpback Whales move to warm waters from cold polar region in search of food and breeding. Return to polar region in spring.
Questions lead to knowledge!
Kaavya was curious to know if Polar Bears also migrate? I need to brush up my knowledge to answer all her questions.
Some animals escape from cold and the other from drought. They leave long before there is no water in their habitat. Come back to grasslands in December after rains.

Even tiny butterflies migrate hundreds of miles in a short life span of just 10 months. Mystery of migration is never ending from thousand years, questions yet to be answered!!!
Kaavya was able to recall her recent visit to the nearest Butterfly Garden in Gurugram. We saw a lot of beautiful and colourful butterflies there. There were a lot of migration butterflies too, now she wanted to visit again to find out more.
Everyone travels!
Nature is full of surprises – how they travel? Which route to follow? When to start migrating? How they find the same Nest every year? There are many more unsolved mysterious questions.
This is a beautiful book in every way. Together we have read this book many times. Kaavya’s favourite part in the book was the migration of Storks and Butterflies. She was very happy to understand migration, who all migrate, why they migrate and how they travel.
At the end she said, “Mumma just like we go to hill stations in summer vacations and then come back home so do they.”
Kaavya wants to know more about other birds, animals and insects who migrate.
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