Jul 212021

Things don’t go as planned every time. But it’s important to make the best of what you have and adapt to it. Find happiness in small things, don’t give up and always be grateful.

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Book: Dream On

Author: Sheetal Durve

Age: 8 – 14 years

Format: Kindle

Author Sheetal Durve shares a bit about how her e-book Dream On is meant to start conversations with tweens & teens. In her words…

Children at different ages have different hurdles to cross, with them so do the parents.

“Why doesn’t he understand what I am saying?”

“When will she value what she has?”

“How do I teach these kids to be grateful?”

The list of questions just doesn’t stop there.

And as the children grow older, the communication gap seems to widen too. 

Dream On is a great communication starter for young kids.

The purpose of writing this was to put down on paper what I see and what I feel, in the simplest way. 

I remember my grandmother making up fantastic stories to tell us, just to convey what she wanted to say, and it was amazingly effective.

I have actively been engaged with children from a very early age and now with two kids of my own I can comfortably say I know a lot about children.  Getting across what you have to say is so much easier when you have an appealing yet convincing story to tell with attractive illustrations.

Dream On is my attempt at subtly yet effectively bring through some simple, important values.

Message to the readers:

Things don’t go as planned every time. But it’s important to make the best of what you have and adapt to it. Find happiness in small things, don’t give up and always be grateful.

Dream On is available on Kindle. To order your copy, click the button!


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