Mar 192019
Why humans cry when they blunder – a poem by Aanya
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Stunner #2

My 10 year old daughter, Aanya, an avid reader, writes poetry now and then. Every time she stuns me. I had shared the first stunner with all of you. This is Stunner #2. I hope you enjoy it. Please share feedback to encourage the budding poetess in her.

If your children write, I would love to read their pieces.

I always wonder,

Why humans cry when they blunder?

If light could fall on mirrors,

And make them shine.

Why couldn’t eyes fall on true winners,

And make them soar high.

And I always wonder,

Why humans cry when they blunder!

When they think life is full of misery,

A second a go they yelled Yipee!

I always wonder,

Why humans cry when they blunder?

When they choose to open their hand,

And let go of all gathered sand.

I always wonder,

Why humans cry when they blunder?

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