Mar 242021
Strangers to Best Friends #kbcPetUntrouble
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This is our entry for the #kbcPetUntrouble contest!

So, I was never so close to animals and feared them a lot ever since my childhood. But 4 years back, when I was driving my moped (sadly without the helmet), just to go almost next door, I saw a few dogs crossing the road and in order to save them or maybe save myself I took a big turn from the side and had a terrible fall on the biggest stone nearby.

I was rushed to hospital, underwent a minor surgery and that incident gave me 2 big lessons: one – wear a helmet, no matter how close you wanna go, second – stop fearing dogs!

Just a year later, I met this guy on Jeevansathi whom I matched with perfectly except for one point, he loved dogs and had one. I had actually removed this thought from my mind, but as destined, we soon got involved with each other.

To my surprise, one fine day he was at my home with his pet GIPSY – a 5 year old lab! He was HUGE! And I was dead SCARED! For 2 hours, I didn’t dare to come out of my room but couldn’t hold myself back from the giggling noises from the hall.

There we were, Gipsy and I, standing face to face with each other. He was calm and had sparkling eyes! He passed on all the positive energy to me and within a shortest span of time we became good friends, but just from a distance 🙂

Fast forward to post marriage days now. I was new to the city and husband was off to work after a month long honeymoon. It was only me and Gipsy at home. I wondered what was he doing out alone, while I was in my room, but was still skeptical about going too close to him.

Then one day, while I was opening the wedding gifts, I collected too much bubble wrap and thought of making a ball out of it for Gipsy. So, I slowly rolled the ball to him and his sparkling eyes sparkled a little more!!

We didn’t even realise when we finally turned from strangers, to best friends!! 🙂

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