Feb 252022
Star Rewards Books – Life Skills For Kids (3-6 years)
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Very often we get queries on books to help kids pick up some good habits, remind them of how good manners help, on healthy eating, etc. And since our kids are at home and not physically at school, we all are facing the need to grab books to help us cope. We came across this series called Star Rewards – Life Skills for Kids. THEY COME WITH REWARD STICKERS/CHARTS AND ARE POCKET-FRIENDLY!! They are authored by Sophie Giles.

Amardeep has 4 books in this series. In her words:

We bought these books after seeing Achira recommend them several times in the group. These books address several different topics through short stories that instead of telling the child exactly what is right or wrong, encourage them to think for themselves. The interactive nature of the books and the wide range of topics they cover from honesty, mindfulness, gratefulness, to positive thinking and helping others, is what makes these books wonderful. They also come with reward stickers and a wipe and clean chart, so each time your child displays one of the positive traits, you can reward them with a sticker or a star! The conversations you can have after each of the stories make the books extremely precious, and for us we usually end up reading another book on the same topic to discuss it further. The books also have some fun activities to do, like the Book of Happiness had an activity to make a glitter calming jar, which we promptly did!

Achira has The Children’s Book of Manners and recommends the series for 3-6 years. Quoting her:

pc: Achira

The children’s book of manners is a great book which explains behaviour in each situation in two different ways-the wrong way and the right way! This helps the kids to understand how they should behave in a particular situation and helps them understand how important good manners are. And then it also has stickers to put in each of the situations. The fact that this comes with a reward chart makes it super fun for the kids!

Amardeep also has this one. In her words:

This book has short stories that focus on manners, but again rather than telling the child what is right or wrong, the book is interactive and asks questions (so avoids being preachy.) eg: Do you think Boy X’s behaviour hurt others? What would you have done if you were in his place?

Some of the other books in this series:

The Children’s Book of Healthy Eating

The Children’s Book of Making Friends Amardeep has this book as well. Quoting her:

The book addresses various issues like sharing, taking turns, being kind through short stories. What I loved about the book is that it is interactive, and asks the children to think how they would feel in the situation and what they would do, rather than telling them out rightly what is right and wrong. It also comes with reward stickers, and a wipe clean chart that can be used to design the child’s own reward goals.

The Children’s Book of Money Sense

The Children’s Book of Keeping Safe

The Children’s Book of Healthy Habits 

The Children’s Book of Green Habits

The Children’s Book of Success at School

The Children’s Book of First Aid Skills

The Children’s Book of Dental Health

The Children’s Book of Protecting our Planet

The Children’s Book of Values

The Children’s Book of Happiness

pc: achira

You can find the entire list of books in this series here

The Star Rewards Stickers are cute and very motivating for children when they are rewarded for some sort of good behaviour or something they did that was suggested in the book. Getting creative while recognising and appreciating your child’s behaviour is a brilliant part of parenting which kids tend to remember even when they grow up! Little stickers of encouragement go a long long way…

Happy Reading !

[Note from Team Kids Book Café: For your convenience, affiliate links (MARKED IN PINK) to some of the book titles & images have been added to enable you to buy the books from AMAZON, should you wish to! A very small amount of money comes to kidsbookcafe.com when you purchase a book via the amazon affiliate link provided (at absolutely no extra cost to you!). Do let us know if you need information about other children’s books by writing to asha@kidsbookcafe.com.]

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