Book: The Amazing Adventures of Charlie Small: The Perfumed Pirates of Perfidy
Author: David Fickling
Type: Paperback
Age: 7 years+
[This book review has been written by my son Neel Shrivastava (Neel is 7 years old). I’m posting it on behalf of him! ]
Charlie Small is an 8 years old boy who was separated from his family and gets lost in the jungle. Suddenly, a gang of pirates come and take Charlie away and lock him in a cellar. This book is written in the form of his diary narrating the events that follow.
Here are the few things I liked about the book:
– It is very eventful.
– Even a young boy like Charlie Small uses mechanics to solve tough problems. For example, Charlie uses scrap found on the ship to make a swordfish-shaped ship mobile to blend in with the sea environment to escape the pirates.
– The imagination is very vivid. For example a puffer fish appears out of nowhere and blows itself up like a balloon and flies away with Charlie Small.
– It uses a rich vocabulary with words like cutlass, noose, cutthroat, pungent, doldrums and many others.
An interesting fact: This book was first found on top of a Himalayan mountain encased in a block of ice.

Other books in the Charlie Small series are The Puppet Master, Gorilla City .
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Appu, i have always admired the way you read book after book after book and post reviews of them. It is so heartening to see Neel follow your steps! He is very talented and when we are back from school vacation aarini & me are going to raid your personal library for sure!! More power to you guys!
Amazed😮 I really loved the way Neel have closely reviewed this book. 👍