Title: Hope – Stories For A Healthy Mind
Author: Pragati Sureka
Illustrator: Nina Sud
Type: Paperback
Age Group: 7+ years (especially parents)
This book, Hope, can help you embrace your vulnerability, open up about your feelings, emotions and start conversations around Mental Health, regardless of your age.
With Covid-19 having us all locked inside four walls for months together and bringing about panic, fear and emotional turmoil, this book comes in as a welcoming breeze. While many books are out there to help us take care of our physical body, there aren’t many written for the mental health part, especially stories that would help children relate to, open up and deal with their emotions.
We got this book as prize of #kbcBookBingoSr contest and what a beautiful choice of book to give as a gift. This book brings out the emotional challenges that we go through as kids and adults in three relatable stories. The characters Ryan, Shoma and Kabir’s stories present the stress and strain of modern life and strike a chord with us.
The family settings, honest narrative with common everyday life situations, the graceful and empathetic way of addressing and dealing with it, all make the book all the more wonderful.
Right from the first look itself, Miss. M (my 9 yo daughter) was impressed with the cover, the feel of it and the interesting character sketches in it. In one go she finishes it, hugs me and insists to read the book. She also made a point to discuss about the book at night (she generally talks about feelings and her day’s activities at night). And we had to do a read together right away.
As someone who is fond of her teachers and has a strong bonding with them, Miss. M points out Ryan’s story to be her favorite.
This book is exactly the need of the hour. The topic on mental health and feelings are handled sensitively. The language is lucid and illustrations are warm and expressive. As much as this book is for the kids, it is for the parents too. This book is a must have to have healthy conversation around mental health.
I particularly liked the part where the conversation revolves around the mental health of a parent. It gives kids an insight that it’s okay to have emotional/mental struggles at any age and it is normal to seek help. It makes for a great conversation starter with your kid.
I must say that the author, Pragati Sureka, has made profound observations to keep the stories so real and bringing out the nuances of mental health at various levels. The author also makes a point about seeking help from different sources and support systems, which is amazing.
The illustrator Nina Sud has made sure that the expressions/feelings come alive. As someone with a keen eye for illustrations (read as not easily satisfied), Miss. M holds this book close to her heart for the lovely and lively illustrations. She loved the expressions brought out in the sketches.
A well thought of and well-presented book. There is a dedicated section for parents too with practical tips on how to enhance self-esteem in their children and how to have conversations around mental health. This book is a treasure and a must have.
Grab this book & soak in the comfort it provides.
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