Title: Fearless: How To Be Your True, Confident Self!
Author: Liam Hackett
Type: Paperback
Age group: 10+ years
I’m posting this review on behalf of my daughter, Aanya.
We have hundreds of self-help books today that give instant solutions to problems. So what makes ‘Fearless’ a book different from the rest? As I stared at this book’s beautiful cover, I thought of the same question. But as I read the book, conquering one fear after another, I realised something:
This book does not only talk about things that we are scared of, like the fear of being judged, but also talks about what makes us feel them.
The book starts with the fear of being yourself. I expected it to just tell me to ignore those who laugh at what I do, but instead the author, Liam Hackett, talks about stereotypes – this invisible box we are put in the moment we are born. And by the time I reached the end of the chapter, my view on what I can do and cannot, completely changed!
Another thing I liked about this book is that the author helps you relate to him, so that you can understand the book better. He talks about his own experience in his childhood with things like bullying, finding his interests, and more.
This is NOT a guide that gives solutions to daily problems. Instead, it teaches you things such as unconscious bias, that you will remember all your life.
One of the two pages I bookmarked since I would like to read them again, gives the reader some hacks to deal with various emotions so that we actually face them, instead of suppressing them.
Every now and then, we see tricky questions that talk about gender stereotypes. The chapters also end with a P.S note from people who have reached unbelievable heights, but faced similar fears in their childhood.
I think this book truly teaches us ‘How to be our true, confident self!’
I would give this book a four out of five-star rating, and find this suitable for any fifth-grader and above.
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