Book Title: Courage with Anandibai Joshee
Author: Pervin Saket
Illustrator: Sriya Singh
Publisher: AdiDev Press Pvt Ltd
Type: Hardcover
Pages: 20
Recommended Age: 4-8 years
We feel blessed to review an inspiring book like this.
It is about a little girl “Anandi” with big dreams. She got married at a very young age of 9, lost her baby and then decided “No child should die for lack of medical care”. This book explains how she was determined to study and became a doctor, when the society was against her. She didn’t let anyone come in between her dreams and successfully became one of India’s first women doctors.
While reading this book with my 8yo, we travelled back to the old days (grandpa’s days). This book gave me a chance to explain to her “how life was a long time ago”. We didn’t have education for girls, they were married at an early age and had kids, how difficult was it to find a doctor and get medical care – which led to a discussion on how much life has changed now and we should feel privileged that we have all the facilities of an unbiased education system, nearby hospitals, online shopping, etc.

As we were discussing this, I could see my 8yo thinking and understanding how important education is. But the most important lesson she learnt from this book is – NEVER GIVE UP ON YOUR DREAMS !
Even today, when I ask this question “what did you learn from this book”, her answer is “if we decide something, we should keep trying and one day we will achieve it. When we achieve it, we will feel happy”. Such a simple thing to say, but coming from my 8yo brought a smile on my face with pride and happiness. Imbibing the right values in children help them lead a better and positive life. Mission accomplished!
It looks to be only 20 pages book, but with such a powerful story and message. Less is more 🙂
I can’t end this review without appreciating the pictures. The illustrations are so realistic and beautiful. Really helped my daughter understand the story better.
This book is part of a bookset called WOMEN IN SCIENCE. You can read reviews of other books in the series here:
Commitment With Bibha Chowdhuri (by Arundhati)
Passion with Aditi Pant (by Punidha)
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