Sep 102021
Review: 10 Indian Heroes Who Help People Live With Dignity
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Title: 10 Indian Heroes Who Help People Live With Dignity

 Author: Somak Ghoshal

 Publisher: Penguin

 Pages: 104

 Type: Paperback

 Age Group: 10+ years (as per the publisher)

 “10 INDIAN HEROES WHO HELP PEOPLE LIVE WITH DIGNITY” written by Somak Ghoshal talks about ten different, driven, and determined people who protest and fight for human rights and help the weaker sections of society to live with dignity. These are heroes of our country without capes. All of these heroes are ordinary people, but their meaningful work has made them extraordinary. All of these 10 heroes are incomparable. But personally, the stories that struck a chord and shocked me are  

  • Irom Sharmila, a woman, who stood up against the Indian Army, 
  • Bizwada Wilson, an activist, who fought against employing manual scavengers, and
  • Dr. Devi Shetty, who worked with kids born with defective hearts.  

I live in the same country as them, yet I was not aware of some of their works. Books like these help children like me know about these unsung heroes and understand their contribution towards the better world that we all live in today. 

The story which affected me the most was the “Bhopal gas tragedy.” When the gas from the factory leaked, many people who were exposed to the gas died immediately. Even though people tried to prevent this from happening, unfortunately, many people succumbed to it. It happened past midnight on December 2, 1984. I cannot believe people around the nation are going through terrible things and they do not even have basic human rights. But looking at the silver lining, however thin it is, such situations have led to a hero stepping up to support, guide and fight for the weaker ones who couldn’t do it themselves.  

These 10 chapters give detailed, well-structured stories about heroes from various parts of the nation. This book teaches you about how people were judged for their religion, their career, and how it takes years of hard work for justice to prevail. These heroes will always be known, recognized, and applauded for their contributions. 

This book is recommended for 10 years and up, but it appeals to all age groups. Importantly, this book is perfect for middle school classroom discussions. 

Young minds need to read such inspiring stories to become responsible adults and sensible citizens.

Other books in this series (the 10s):

10 Indian Champions Who Are Fighting to Save the Planet by Bijal Vachharajani
10 Indian Women Who Were the First to Do What They Did by Shruthi Rao
10 Indian Animals You May Never Again See in the Wild by Ranjit Lal
10 Indian Monarchs Whose Amazing Stories You May Not Know by Devika Rangachari
10 Indian Art Mysteries THAT HAVE NEVER BEEN SOLVED by Mamta Nainy

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