This is my daughter’s entry for the #kbcPetUntrouble Contest.
Hi Everyone,
I am Lakshana Menon, 8 years old. I am here to share an incident that happened about two years ago. I am a big time animal lover so for that reason I always wanted to have a pet and my dreams also have some or the other animal in it 😉
One day I dreamt of going to a pet shop and adopting almost all the pets there. I was so happy while I was dreaming , but got upset after waking up realizing that it was not true ☹.

The same evening we took a flight to Bangalore for a vacation to meet my maasi and family friends. I would say this was one of the vacations that I will cherish forever.
We reached there during the night. My mom said next day we will be going to close family friend’s home. Little did I know what was waiting for me. We reached their home around noon, had lunch and aunty there said they are going to a pet shop and planning to bring a puppy home. I was so excited and asked mom if I could also accompany them. My mom is very scared of dogs, but seeing my excitement allowed me to go there. I accompanied them to the pet shop. That pet shop had variety of fish, cats, dogs, hamsters, etc. I thought of calling my mom and asking to buy all of those pets, but I knew that it would not happen for sure.
Aunty had already selected a puppy, so she bought her. She looked so beautiful with white soft fur. She looked shy and was not that friendly to anyone. We brought her home and then slowly she got adjusted with everyone in no time!

I played with her all day long and wished to get her along with me to Pune. I thoroughly enjoyed her company. I insisted to stay there at our family friend’s home for one more day just to be with her.
Aunty named her Scooby 😊 I took care of her, fed her and let her walk around. I had tears in my eyes when I had to return to maasi’s home☹. Last year also we had planned a trip to Bangalore but couldn’t go because of this pandemic situation. I often call aunty and see Scooby online. The black dot on her forehead in the pic is kala tikka which I put to protect her from evil eye 😉

I will conclude this with the letter which I wrote to my mom. I hope she listens to me soon. Please tell my mom that it’s time for a third baby, haha😊