Sep 242023
Miss. M’s Terrific Reads and Recommendations for Tweens #kbcBookBingoSr (8-12 years)
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Miss. M’s Terrific Reads and Recommendations for Tweens

Participating in KBC Book Bingo is akin to preparing a home for a joyous celebration. Just as we meticulously plan for rituals, decorate, and arrange meal plans, our preparations for KBC Book Bingo extend over a month, with last-minute changes and fresh ideas constantly emerging. Throughout this journey, every book tucked away in the corners of our house is perused, revisited, and held in high regard before we proudly recommend them here.

Filled with unwavering enthusiasm, allow me to present Miss M’s captivating compilation of recommended reads, tailored specifically for tweens, in her own words:

  1. An Indian historical fiction book – A BOX OF HA-HAs AND WHO-WHOs –A History Mystery Set

Who could have imagined that the tales of our historical rulers could be so uproariously funny? This captivating collection of History books delves into the amusing anecdotes of rulers such as Akbar, Shahjahan, Ashoka, Tughlaq, Razia, and Raja Raja Cholan. Thanks to the talented author Natasha Sharma, reading History has become both fascinating and accessible for children. Additionally, I greatly enjoyed the inclusion of the ‘Fact or Fiction’ section at the end of each book, adding an extra layer of intrigue and engagement.

2. A book by your favourite Indian author- Living Next Door To Alise

This book by Anita Nair is a very compassionate story of the friendship between Alise, a female elephant (THAT CAN TALK!!!!!!) and Siddharth, a book-loving boy. Join them in their moments of clumsiness, blissfulness, naughtiness and sadness. This heartwarming story of their adventures together is sure to leave you feeling tender and joyous.

    3. A hOle book by Duckbill (Penguin Random House) – Petu Pumpkin Tiffin Thief

    This story is about a little boy Pushkin who is nicknamed Petu Pumpkin who always carries a hefty bag just for his tiffin boxes. However, troubled by insatiable hunger, Pushkin resorts to a rather mischievous act of pilfering his friends’ lunch boxes. Does his hunger satiate and do their friends get to save their lunch boxes makes for the rest of this funny story written by Arundhati Venkatesh.

    4. A book based on a true story- The Diary Of A Young Girl-Anne Frank

    This memoir (in the form of diary entries) was written by a young girl, Anne Frank during the period of World War II when she documents her everyday life for the two years she and her family was in hiding from the Nazis. I felt sad about the mishappenings and I could empathize with the feelings of Anne Frank. This is a very moving book that also made me realize how much comfort I am blessed with to live the life I am having now.

    5. A book where the author’s name starts with the same letter as yours – The Legend of the Golden Valley by Manoj Das.

    This book is a very interesting book where the protagonist is a young boy named Raju. One day, Raju stumbles into a cave where he sees a beautiful Golden statue. It is a woman who has been turned into a statue. Raju wanted to save her. Will he be able to do so? Read on to know more about the mystery behind it written by Manoj Das.

    6. A book turned into a movie or show- Harry Potter

    So I officially turned into a Potterhead when my chitti gifted me with the Harry Potter series this birthday. Since then, there is no looking back. The series of books by J.K. Rowling takes one on a magical adventure that’s ever so gripping. Jump into this series right away if you want to take on a magical adventure with the young wizard, Harry Potter and his friends at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

    7. A book that breaks gender stereotypes – When I Met The Mama Bear : A Forest Guard’s Story

    This book is based on a true story about a forest guard, named Priya. Breaking the stereotypes, she takes up the job of a forest guard and protects animals so she could earn enough money to pay her daughter’s school fees, all while being a single mother. So, to make a living, she chooses to work as a forest guard staying away from her daughter, Astha. Over time, Priya learns the behavioural traits of the animals and also learns to identify the thick vegetation around her. It’s then that she is faced with an adventurous incident of facing an angry Mama Bear. How Priya and her colleagues work as a team and handle the situation efficiently is the rest of the story penned by Prerna Singh Bindra.

    8. A self-help book- Ikigai for Teens

    I know I’m still a tween but this book is absolutely enriching and interesting even for a tween. It helps me to think out of the box, analyze and understand my strengths and weaknesses and realize my potential. As I read the book, I get clarity on my Ikigai. While I am not fully there yet, I find myself inclined towards painting and illustrating for books. Let’s see! This book by Hector Garcia & Francesc Miralles is a must-read for tweens and teens and also makes for a great gifting option.

    9. A juicy mystery- Yamini and The 7:00 p.m. Ghosts

    A girl named Yamini lives with her parents. There is a strange thing happening in her town. Many things are getting stolen by strangers but many claim that the strangers are nothing but ghosts. Yamini and her friends then decide to solve the mystery. This book by C. G. Salamander makes up for a thrilling read.

    10. A book with an unexpected twist- Camp Sweets: Monster Fun at Summer Camp

    In this book by Nandini Nayar, the protagonist Raj is forced to go to a summer camp, Camp Sweets, which he thinks is the worst camp that could ever be. But his mother is so darn sure he will love Camp Sweets and come back grinning. So who is going to turn right? Mumma or her son? Read this monstrously sweet adventurous book to know more.

    11. A book where you wanted to be the protagonist- Misfit Madhu

    The protagonist of the story Madhu is passionate about coding and develops an app for her school that goes viral and makes her famous overnight. But she enters into a dilemma and had to make a tough decision when she found her app is being misused. It’s Madhu’s passion for coding that got me fascinated and made me want to learn to code (I haven’t yet, though!). Also, I could relate to her age and the school setting and the adventures that came along. This book by Divya Anand with Madhu as the protagonist is truly relatable to high school kids and makes for a wonderful read.

    12. A book where a character is keeping a big secret – The Story School

    This book is set in the kingdom of Songarh where there is a rule that no one should tell stories. But one of the citizens breaks the rule and many others keep it a secret. Will the rule breaker and the supporters escape from the fearsome Story Sensors? To know what happens, read this awesome book by Nandini Nayar.

    13. A book which you wish you wrote – The Ellie McDoodle Diaries

    The books in this series written by Ruth McNally Barshaw have a creative writing style. She writes from the perspective of a 13-year-old girl and captures incidents from everyday life which makes it more relatable. The writing is a mix of narratives, dialogues and lots of doodles, something more similar to how I pen in my journal. It’s fun and amazing.

    14. A book whose author you want to meet- Gita For Children

    Roopa Pai, author of the books The Gita for Children, The Vedas and Upanishads for Children and many more is one of my favourites as she makes deep philosophical concepts easy to understand. Her conversational tone of writing with cool language is a great plus and makes even deep concepts interesting. I am currently reading her ‘The Yoga Sutras for Children’ and I am loving it. Her books are conversation starters and they help me have discussions with my parents. I wish I could meet Roopa Pai and ask her what inspired her to write these books for children. Also, I feel she would be cool to talk to.  

    15. A book that has an LGBTQIA+ theme- Guthli Has Wings

    This book by Kanak Sashi captures the story of a young happy child, Guthli who is born as a boy but feels and identifies themself as a girl. What I loved about the book is the way they expressed themselves confidently and does what they love. But will the people around accept Guthli for who they are? Read to know more.

    16. A book set in another world- Kiranmala And The Kingdom Beyond #4: Force of Fire

    Set in a Kingdom Beyond where it’s full of monsters, a mix of good and bad ones, the Naga King creates trouble and the monsters try to solve the problem.  This enchanting book by Sayantani DasGupta takes you into the world of breathtaking adventure.

    17. A graphic novel- Wings of Fire

    This book is set in another world where there are dragons. There are five dragonets who have to save the Dragon kingdom from a threat. The fiery and lively graphic novel written by Tui T. Sutherland and illustrated by Mike Holmes makes it an interesting read.

    18. A book with a villain – Aru Shah and The End of Time

    This Pandava Novel, a fiction stitched through the threads of faith & fantasy, taking you through the adventures of Aru and her allies, and how they overpower a mighty demon, the Sleeper, makes for a fantabulous story. The author Roshani Chokshi’s fascination and research on the epic are clearly visible in the way she seamlessly connects the stories from Mahabharatha in her plot blurring the lines between mythology and fiction. The whole series is quite captivating and a must-read.

    19. A book you gift often- NRITYA KATHA: Indian Dance Stories For Children

    This colourful book written by Jaya Mehta and illustrated by Suruba Natalia is an amazing and affordable book which brings out the culture and diversity of India. It enlightens us about the various dance forms, their origin and richness and it just makes me feel proud and happy to be an Indian.

    20. A book you got from KBC recommendations – The Secret of AUM (for 5 years+)
    “The Secret of AUM” is undoubtedly one of the best recommendations from KBC. As a mythology enthusiast, I couldn’t resist purchasing it instantly. What stood out to me was the way the story was narrated, making it relatable to modern readers with its clear language and breathtaking illustrations. It’s one of those books that provoke deep reflection through its simplicity.

    Gratitude to the KBC community and our dear Asha for always getting us introduced to new genres and amazing books.

    Hope you enjoyed the reviews and it is helpful enough to pick up your next read. Happy exploring and happy reading!

    [Note from Team Kids Book Café: For your convenience, affiliate links (MARKED IN PINK) to some of the book titles & images have been added to enable you to buy the books from AMAZON, should you wish to! A very small amount of money comes to when you purchase a book via the amazon affiliate link provided (at absolutely no extra cost to you!). Do let us know if you need information about other children’s books by writing to]

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