Jul 102019
Destined to be BORN #YouCanDoIt!!!
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I’m sharing my personal story here as a part of the #YouCanDoIt Contest.

You never know how strong you are, until being strong is the ONLY choice life gives you! My story is about the Inspiration that we all get from the innate STRENGTH that each one of us has, that gets showcased at the most undesirable and unimaginable situation and makes you realize YES #YouCanDoIt!!!

Year 2010 – I was pregnant with my first baby. It was the start of this BLISSFUL journey called Motherhood for me. Everyone was happy… all developmental parameters were normal… both of us were overwhelmed with joy and were mentally preparing to welcome our First Bundle of Joy. However, life is not that simple as it seems to be.

My second trimester reports were not satisfactory as per fetus development parameters. My Gynecologist initially seemed relaxed and guided me to take some precautions, but the second screening report was not encouraging either. Thus began my journey of long hospitalisation, pain, trauma, disappointment and the Strength to experience all of it.

Eventually my blood had thickened and flow to the baby seized from all arteries resulting in low body mass gain to the fetus during the 7th month. Every day my doctor would visit with a drooping face indicating no signs of improvement in my reports. Delivery date was way ahead in October and there I was in August looking outside my hospital room window and assuring myself that “I will be able to see through this time and deliver my baby in October”.

Each passing day brought a new challenge for the doctors, until the day (15 August) it was decided to operate me and liberate both of us. Though everyone was unsure about the outcome of the operation because the baby was drastically underweight (1.07 kg only) and it’s survival was a big question. But somewhere deep inside I had the faith that everything will be alright and that gave me the strength to pass through this toughest time.

Two hours of operation seemed like a lifetime and when I was brought to my senses (I was given general anesthesia due to complications) my doctor was brimming with joy because both me and my baby were leaving the OT alive.

The first few words that she said to me were,

“It’s a Boy! He is a fighter who defeated all the odds. He was Destined to be BORN!”

We have named him Aaruj who is now 8 yrs old and perfectly normal as other kids (except for some nautanki about eating and completing his tasks).

Defining our life

Inspired by my strength during the first pregnancy, I decided to give life another opportunity. I planned a second one after 5 yrs and our second son was born at full term with a healthy birth weight. Both the boys are full of life and they define our existence.

Anytime there is a “Low Tide Situation” in my life, my husband reminds me of my innate strength that continues to help me to tide through the toughest situations.

My world, my inspiration

Reader Comments

  1. Brinda, you are a fighter. I think a life inside us become our inner strength and encourage us to fight against all odds and so was your little champ Aaruj. He was destined to be born from a strong mother Brinda. 😘


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