During the pandemic, our #kbcMembers, especially the children, have read way more than they did before! So, to keep their passion fuelled, we have created a fun #kbcBookBingo , actually two of them, to reward our awesome readers!
Presenting #kbcBookBingoJr (0-6 years) and #kbcBookBingoSr (7-13 years) !
It’s simple. In the next couple of months (till Feb 15th, 2021 FEB 28, 2021 APRIL 30, 2021 – date extended owing to children’s exams) our #kbcChildoos need to read the following kind of books as shown in the #kbcBookBingo template given below. They can read all those books in any order – they just have to read all of them!! That is, 30 books for #kbcBookBingoJr and 17 books for #kbcBookBingoSr !

What happens after that?
After you (our #kbcChildoos) have read all the kind of books mentioned in the #kbcBookBingo templates, please ask your parent to click a photograph of all the books you have read (either as a stack or spread across) as shown below:

So here are the steps parents need to follow:
1) Sign up on kidsbookcafe.com
2) Add a post – share your list of 30 books (for Juniors) or 17 books (for Seniors) + mini reviews (your original content only. PLEASE DO NOT COPY THE SYNOPSIS/REVIEWS FROM ANYWHERE – YOU WILL BE DISQUALIFIED.) with the photograph of all the books you read (books to be stacked or spread across)
3) Write a unique title – Mention child’s name (eg. Aarini’s list of must reads for 13 year olds #kbcBookBingoSr )
4) Use Hashtag #kbcBookBingoJr/Sr in the title as well.
5) Be sure to LIKE OUR FB PAGE in case you haven’t already! Share some love, people!!
6) Age group for participation: 0-13 years (kids in this age group can participate and parents can post for them on the site) for residents of India only (as shipping abroad is an issue). Parents must be members of our super engaged Facebook Group.
Should you live abroad and really really want to participate, then please mention it in your post itself and be sure you have a local Indian address where your prize can be shipped, should you win!
7) #kbcBookBingo ENDS FEB. 15, 2021 FEB 28,2021 APRIL 30, 2021 (EOD), which means you need to post your entries here on kidsbookcafe.com by then.

Important note: If the content of any post does not meet the editorial standards of kidsbookcafe.com, the post will not be approved. If the photograph doesn’t include all the 30 books (for Juniors) or 17 books (for Seniors) then that participant will be disqualified. Team Kids Book Café retains the right to publish reader-worthy content and choose winners of the #kbcBookBingo Jr & Sr versions. Their decision is final.
Winners who receive books will also have the privilege of posting a review of the book they won on kidsbookcafe.com!
Many thanks to our #kbcBookBingo Partners for supporting us in this initiative by providing us their books as prizes for our childoo winners!!

Thank you Scholastic India for generously giving us 15 copies of HOPE: Stories for a Healthy Mind by Pragati Sureka as prizes!
Thank you so much Kanika Shah Wadhwa for giving us 3 copies of When the Four Went Time Travelling authored by our #kbcChildoo Amyra Wadhwa!
And heartfelt thanks to a special #kbcMember who has given us the remaining 2 books. This member wants to be a part of our Book Partner Squad for all of our campaigns this year under the condition that their name is not disclosed. We respect that and would like to acknowledge their generosity!
Shout-out to our 13yo Intern-In-Residence (Aarini – The Chief Childoo) for creating & designing the Book Bingos.
If you are an author or a publisher and would like to support any of our future reading initiatives by collaborating as Campaign Partners, please feel free to write to asha@kidsbookcafe.com. We would be delighted to have more partners!