May 132019
4 reading regrets I could steal a time machine to undo
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No different than an intriguing science fiction plot. An unpredictable time machine and a desperate time traveler. I truly wish I had the time machine that would magically turn back time to a much younger me. An age when I could absorb anything I read and still be hungry for more.

1. Reading what I was supposed to read

With over millions of books to choose from, how would I choose that one special book to read? The easy way out of this confusion was to ask others – uncles, friends and teachers. The recommendations came in and I followed. I read biographies, motivational books which seemed more like academic text rather than recreational reading. I spent a month trying to read The Autobiography of Lee Iococca. I wish I had spent that time reading Sidney Sheldon instead. I missed out on reading for fun. Exactly what books are meant to be.

2. Losing the drive to keep reading even after exam days

There was a time when the only book I would read were the boring NCERT books from school. With no time in the usual school rigour, I never went back to my cool books even in the vacation times.

3. Equating reading with nerdhood

In college all we ever talked about were the latest movies and actors. We never missed the box office hits. I was stupid to think at one point of time that books are uncool and a symbol of nerdhood. Reading books was replaced with watching movies. But it just wasn’t the same. Now when I interact with people from all over the world and I learn about what they had read…..arrrgghhh I have lost so much of my valuable time.

4. Underestimating the power of books almighty

If we tell our kids to do something because it’s good for them do you think they would do it? Nope. Even as a mature adult I just didn’t realize how important reading was. It’s no coincidence that all world leaders make time for reading. The power of books can never be measured just enjoyed. It’s one super power.

Passing on these regrets so it doesn’t get repeated. But, if anyone of you come across the time machine do let me know. It is because of these regrets I am extremely determined to make my child an avid reader.

Share with me. Do you have any reading regrets?

Reader Comments

  1. I have this regret of not able to inculcate the habit of reading(not only books but newspapers,articles infact anything) as the biggest regret of mine. I am still unable to maintain it as my habit.


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