Jun 292019
The Spirit-Mamma. #YouCanDoIt.
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I am sharing this story of mine as a part of #YouCanDoIt Contest!

This was in the year 2009 when I got into a job just completing my graduation. However, I had always in my mind to pursue my higher education. The one and only person to support me on this was my mom (Mamma).

Mamma was a patient of severe Asthma. From the beginning of the year 2012, she got severe attacks and we had to hospitalise her. Since I was the eldest, I had to take over the entire home making responsibility of the house. We could save her twice from the attacks. However, fortune had some bitter facts stored for us. Feb 14, 2012, we lost Mamma.

I was clueless as my father emotionally broke down, my youngest sister in her 1st year of graduation became uncontrollably emotional and depressed. I had no other option than being strong enough to handle them, take care of the house and carry on with my job. This was the toughest phase of my life I was undergoing.

Months passed, but this thought of pursuing my higher education was constantly provoking me. However, the present circumstances were pulling me back. I closed my eyes for a moment and tried to bring mamma’s image in front of me, and tried praying to her to give me that courage and willpower to achieve my aim.

A week later, it so happened that where I used to work, the IGNOU head office was nearby. I went to enquire about the admission of MBA. Fortunately, got the form. I submitted the form with the required documents within submission date. Paid the required fees. And there I was finally enrolled for MBA programme.

For every semester, I just used to close my eyes and pray Mamma to give me that strength to qualify the exams despite of the hardest time I was undergoing. And I really don’t know from where I used to get that courage and willpower that I cleared all of my exams very well and got qualified as an MBA student.

I miss Mamma in every stage of my life, however feel happy that she is always around me. I cannot see her, but feel her in every moment of my life. Today I am a mom of 2 years old toddler and a wife of a loving husband with blessings of Mamma.

Thank you.

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