Jul 062021
Review: The ABCs of Virtue
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Book Title: The ABCs of Virtue: An Alphabetic Guide to Finding the Magic in You

Authors: Priya Kumari and Komal Garg 

Illustrator: Maitreyi Ghosh

Publisher: Eternal Tree Books

Type: Board Book

Recommended Age: 0-6 years

A book named “The ABCs of Virtues”, would it be preachy? This was the thought that came to my mind before we read this book. I worried needlessly. Not only was the book not preachy at all, it is probably one of the most unique books I’ve ever come across. Not written in a story form, it introduces 26 key virtues every child (human) should know – one for each alphabet! How cool is that?

My 4 year old, who thrives on engaging stories and non-fiction, absolutely loved reading this book because of the new concepts it introduced him to. Just like in order to savour a good tea, you have to sip it slowly, we read this book over weeks, with my son asking me each day,

“Mumma, which alphabet will we read today?”

He enjoyed the bright illustrations, rhyming text and since he is learning alphabets in school, this was just perfect as a different alphabet book too!

The virtues range from the expected Honesty and Patience, to the unexpected yet delightful Mindful and Imaginative. From a parent’s perspective, I was thrilled that the book allows for meaningful conversations to take place, and that was my favourite part of reading this book.

We enjoyed reading a page from this book and discussing what that virtue means, how we can imbibe that virtue in our life, and my 4 year old usually had a lot of input –

“Mumma, we can be imaginative by making our own pretend space station out of pillows, slide and boxes. My slide can be the space shuttle!”

Also, whenever he is getting too antsy I just have to remind him to be mindful, he usually will calm down and take deep breaths! 

We always try to find books that allow us to have a lot of conversations with our children, and pass on a rock solid value system to them. This is one book that not only allows you to do that, but actually has the power to have a life changing impact on your child’s life. I would highly recommend this.

Post Script:

Conversation on reading the virtue Patient

Me: Neil are you patient?
Neil: Sometimes I am, sometimes it is difficult. Like it’s so difficult to wait for a chocolate. 
Me: I know.
Neil: But, I’ll wait Mr Panda 

Conversation after reading the entire book

Me: Neil did you like the book?
Neil: Yes
Neil: With these ABCs we can fill our own bucket and sometimes even other’s bucket. 

If you enjoyed this review and wish to order the book from Amazon (kbc affiliate link),


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