May 182024
Design your own themed bingo! #kbcbookbingo2024
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Over the last four bingos (yes, we have done 4 bingos since 2020! You can check them out here! 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023), we have been able to publish the most incredible listicles across different age groups! These listicles in turn help other parents who are looking for books for a certain age group. And this is how our peer-to-peer recommendation model (which we call the circle of reading karma!) works like magic :).

some inclusive books from asha’s collection

Choose a theme close to your heart!

This year, we want to do things in a different way as a lot of time and energy is invested by both our members and editorial team to publish these wonderful bingo entries. kids book cafe has been known to curate book listicles on amazing themes. Being an inclusive community – we wish to extend the theme curation to our very own members and let them decide what theme-based bingo they would like to create! We have many already like books for self acceptance, fussy eaters, bug lovers, potty training, puberty, etc. We would love to do many more – not just on themes, but on genres (could be historical fiction), kind of books (eg Aarini has just compiled one on tween & teen graphic novels), a series, books from a particular publisher and favourite authors (we already have listicles on Julia Donaldson, Nick Sharratt, Richard Scarry, Robert Munsch….).

Bring out your unique books!

This time, each listicle needs to include unique books (not common ones – we have plenty of Peppa Pig on the site!). It can be from 7-15 books. As always, mini reviews are mandatory. ALSO, PLEASE CHECK IF THE BOOKS YOU HAVE FEATURED ARE EASILY AVAILABLE ON AMAZON INDIA FOR OTHER MEMBERS TO ORDER SEAMLESSLY.

Kindly follow this format – of numbering and what to include in BOLD. YOUR IMAGE SHOULD BE HORIZONTAL WITH DIMENSIONS 1000 x 833 pixels or SIMPLY LESS than 200kb. If you are new to our bingos, we would request you to kindly go through the format first.

Should you be interested in participating, then kindly follow the next steps:

Please send an email to mentioning kbcbookbingo2024 – YOUR NAME in the subject line (if your email doesn’t contain your name). In the email, kindly share what kind of themed curation/s would excite you. Request to kindly check which curated listicles we already have here. In the past we have invested a lot of time and energy in correcting language/grammar issues. This time we can’t afford to do that (as our Chief Intern is busy with her 12th std), so if your reviews and thereby entire curation need massive editing or don’t meet our editorial standards, your entry will be declined.


Only after we have confirmed your theme idea on email can you proceed to curating your bingo entry! Like we mentioned, we know both our members and editorial team invest a lot of time, energy and effort to participate and publish these listicles. Hence, to avoid any disappointment, kindly reach out to the team before you start creating your bingo entry.

1) After your bingo concept has been approved, if you don’t have an account on our website, to sign up on, simply write to – we will create an account for you.

2) Add a post – share your list of 7-15 books + mini reviews (your original content only. PLEASE DO NOT COPY THE SYNOPSIS/REVIEWS FROM ANYWHERE – YOU WILL BE DISQUALIFIED) with the photograph of all the books you included (books to be stacked or spread across). Your mini reviews should not give away any spoilers of the story of the books you have shared! Kindly ensure YOUR IMAGE IS HORIZONTAL WITH DIMENSIONS 1000 x 833 pixels or SIMPLY LESS than 200kb. KINDLY FOLLOW THIS FORMAT.

3) Kindly include books that are easily available on Amazon India (at a decent price) so your curation is helpful to our members. If the age group of the books differs, kindly mention in brackets.

4) Write a unique title which indicates the theme you/your child have curated. Use Hashtag #kbcBookBingo2024 in the title as well. And most important, mention age group in brackets.

5) Be sure to LIKE OUR FB PAGE and follow us on instagram in case you haven’t already! Share some love, people!!

6) Age group for participation: 0-17 years (kids in this age group can participate and parents can post for them on the site) for residents of India only (as shipping abroad is an issue). Parents must be members of our super engaged Facebook Group.

7) #kbcBookBingo2024 ENDS ON JUNE 30, 2024 JULY 15, JULY 31, 2024 (EOD) which means you need to post your entries here on by then.

Important note:  If the content of any post does not meet the editorial standards of, or if the content doesn’t pass the copyscape test (for plagiarism) the post will not be approved. If the photograph doesn’t include all the books included in the list then that participant will be disqualified. Team Kids Book Café retains the right to publish reader-worthy content and choose the winners. Their decision is final.


As you know, these reading lists not only are a way of rewarding our kbc childoos, they also help many many other parents who reach out for age appropriate book recommendations based on different themes. So we urge you to share uncommon reads that make unique lists and not lists of books that everyone already knows about! If you have already participated in the past, KINDLY AVOID REPEATING BOOKS IN YOUR LIST FROM YOUR PREVIOUS LISTS.

Winners who receive books will also have the privilege of posting a review of the book they won on!

We will announce all partner publishers soon! We are still reaching out to them 🙂


Many thanks to all of our #kbcBookBingo Partners for supporting us in this initiative by providing us their books as prizes for our childoo winners!!

Wonder House Books 
20 books from Wonder House will be given out as prizes to our childoos!! WOOHOO!!

Sam and Mi 
6 Books are up for grabs from Sam & Mi!

1) Adventures of Samara and Alphabet – Saving the birds
2) House of Many
3) Room of Many
4) Robot for Ms Nunu (Lift-the-flap)
5) What I Learnt 
6) Things I Can’t See

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