Jan 012019
Review: The Legend of Rock, Paper, Scissors
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Book: The Legend of Rock, Paper, Scissors

Author: Drew Daywalt

Hard Cover

Ages: 4-8 years

Legendary in all respects!

Bold font, dramatic narration, stunning illustrations and a mind blowing plot. I cannot share how much excitement my boy had (ok, I admit and me too!) while we read this legendary book. An absolute must read!

My five year old boy recently caught the fascination of the game Rock, Paper, Scissors from his class. Almost every time the three of us (papa, mommy and boy) are sitting around, he will say, “Let’s play rock, paper, scissors.” And we do not stop till he says so. Even if you or your child are not aware of the game, this book still should be a must on your shopping list.

A bit about the game – Three participants make hand gestures of their where a closed fist is a rock, two fingers is scissors and an open flat hand is paper. The rule of the game is rock beats scissors, paper beats rock and scissors cuts paper. So there is one winner. Fun, right?

Back to the legendary book. Rock, Paper and Scissors are living their respective boring lives in the same house. They feel unchallenged before they set off to meet their worthy opponents. See, the narration is so powerful. Just outstanding. The three of them coincidentally have an encounter and they challenge each other. The story is wonderfully humorous and the illustrations are just fantastic. The pictures literally scream out the story and emotions. My five year old loves that the font is big and bold when the author wants to highlight a dialogue or narrations.

To make reading even more fun (although with the exciting plot, narration and illustrations, my boy was already engrossed), I pretended to be a WWE commentator, “Rock is victorious!!” I shout out.

This book clearly has to be one of my favorites for the shear joy and excitement it invokes while reading. It just had to be in my collection because my boy will surely enjoy it in the years to come as well.

Other books written by Drew Daywalt are The Day the Crayons Quit (read review here) and The Day the Crayons Came Home.

All of Drew Daywalt’s books can be found here on Amazon.

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