Title: Hack The Boredom Code
Author: Neera Maini Srivastav
Publisher: Garuda Prakashan
Type: Paperback
Pages: 156
Recommended Age: 10 years+
“Hack the Boredom Code” is a book by the author Neera Maini Srivastav. As the name suggests, the topic of the book is about boredom and how to overcome it.
Although many people would say that boredom is a very constructive state of mind as it helps in the creation of new ideas, many young adults and teenagers like me would definitely disagree with it as we fail to channel our energy into constructive processes sometimes.
This book aims to help our chaotic minds overcome that state of boredom by giving us around 150 ideas about things we could do while we feel bored.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading the book as I am a person who gets very bored, very quickly. I followed a lot of the tips over the past two weeks, and I genuinely felt refreshed after doing the various activities, and a LOT less bored. These 2 weeks were also by far the most productive weeks of my summer vacation as I got to do a lot of things I wanted to, which I normally wouldn’t have because I’d just be doing something not as fun like watching TV or just even sleeping.
For example, I actually listened to an audiobook for the first time in my life. That was a new experience for me, as I mostly prefer reading physical copies of a book.
Another thing I did was watch tons of movies, but not as in a “movie gets over so another movie” way, but I actually researched about the movie and the message it gave and basically have mini reviews of each movie that I watched just ready to ambush somebody interested😅
Another tip I followed was decluttering my mailbox. So I get spam mails from a lot of websites which I had just given up on, but while clearing it I found out there’s actually an unsubscribe button which allows you to basically never receive automated mails from that site again, now my mailbox looks neat and tidy like I’ve wanted for, forever.
I absolutely recommend this book to anybody looking to have fun with their day to day life but just don’t have enough ideas.
I actually enjoyed reading it, it’s very easy to read as the title for the tip is given in bold letters before the actual tip so it was easy for me to sort of guess what it was going to be about.
Cheers and happy reading!
If you enjoyed this review and wish to “un-bore” yourself, you might want to buy the book from Amazon (kbc affiliate link),
CLICK & BUY NOW!Disclaimer: Anamol is part of the #kbcReviewerSquad and received this book as a review copy from the publisher.