Mar 152019

Gajapati Kulapati

Book: Gajapati Kulapati    Author: Ashok Rajagopalan Type: Paperback  Ages: 3-6 years What we like about this book: Another fun read from Tulika. The author of this book has used some very interesting repetitive sounds…Continue Reading

Mar 112019

The Fish That Talked

Book: The Fish That Talked Author: Rosie Dickins Type: Paperback Ages: 4-7 years What we like about this book: The storyline and the illustrations are very engaging. The fact that a fish is going to save…Continue Reading

Mar 042019

Pepper Plays With Fire

Book:  Pepper Plays With Fire Type: Paperback Ages: 2-4 years What we like about this book: All Pepper books teach toddlers a valuable lesson in a very simple but memorable way. Examples of incidents shown…Continue Reading